Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hey guess who is back? 

Yes, this satan is back after letting her blog to rot for about a year or two. In case you're wondering where are all my previous posts, here's the answer: I deleted them. Why? I want to start something new here. Before this, my posts were mainly about me complaining about everything and I want to change that.

My blog this time will be like rojak. Woah, hold on. What does that even supposed to mean? It means that I will write a little bit of everything and anything! (Example: about college, reviews, thoughts, and maybe a lil' bit of ranting) I will try to update my blog frequently, probably once or twice a week.

Actually I always wanted to be a food reviewer but I just don't know where and how to start. I'm trying to improve my English as well that is why I don't write like how I normally write on Twitter. (All the bahasa pasar that I always use on Twitter, oh gosh.)

In addition, I am currently taking a subject called News Writing for Electronic Media for this semester which basically means writing stuffs online.
Hence, I am here again in the Blogger world to train my awful writing skills.

That's it for now, I'll be back soon!

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